Gynaecologists perform all surgery petaining to the female reproductive system in the abdomen, as well as to the breasts. The removal of being and malignant uterine, overian and breast cysts and tumors, as well as treatment for pelvic floor relaxation are surgical procedures. Today, due to modern technology, we are able to adapt a wait-and-see attitude as far as benign tumors are concerned. Most operations are performed using laparoscopic surgery (minimal invasive surgery) eliminationg the need for abdominal incisions. This not only reduces post-operative discomfort, but also reduces in-hospital recovery periods considerably.
I perform all surgery at the private hospital, Rudolfinerhaus (www.rudolfinerhaus.at) Patient care provided by the nursing staff is all-encompassing and personalised and positively influences the convalescence of the patient. The patient becomes familiar with the nursing staff and surgery team and has the advantage that even the anesthetist can be chosen specifically to suit individual needs.
The following list provides a basic overview of the surgical spectrum I offer:
Laparoscopic Surgery (minimal invasive surgery for ovarian cysts, ectopic pregnancy, endometriosis, fibroids)
Tumor Removal (vaginal or abdominal-wall incision
Cervical and Uberine Cancers
Ovarian Cancer
Benign Breast Tumors
Breast Cancer
Pelvic Floor Relaxation
Tubai Ligation
Genitoplasty (Cosmetic Surgery of the Genitals)
Caesarean Section Surgery. |
Preventative Medicine
Every woman should have a routine gynaecological examination every six months. I provide the following services:
Cervical Smear Genital Examination Vaginal Secretion Testing for bacteria and STDs Coloscopy Vaginal Ultrasound Examination of the breasts.
Hormonal Diagnosis and Therapy Hormones play a vital role in the life of a woman. From the onset of puberty, thoughout pregnancy and continuing through menopause, cosiderable hormonal changes take place which affect both mental and physical patient well-being. The hormonal balance may sometimes require the slight adjustment of a physician. Modern technology enables us to identify and treat hormonal imbalance.
The physician is confronted with 3 forms of hormonal change: changes at the beginning of menstruation in young women, changes during pregnancy and changes experienced prior to and at the end of menstruation in mature women.
It is the hormonal change experiencced by women in menopause that ofthen requires the most attention of the gynaecologist. Responsibility for treatment does not limit itself to the effective reduction or elimination of hot flushes, night sweats and depression , but requires specific, individualised hormonal therapy treatment adressing the prevention of osteoporosis, arteriosclerosis and Alzheimer's.
In cooperation with my patient, I strive to find the most effective hormonal therapy and the most suitable application method.
Fertility One out of every five couples experiences difficulty in conceiving a child. Medical assistance is often necessary to ensure conception. A precise diagnosis is necessary. Basal body temperature measurements, menstrual cycle monitoring, hormone tests, fallopian tube blockage testing, sperm analysis and a laparoscopy may all be required to determine fertility. The psychological pressure of wanting to conceive can also hinder conception. Should impregnation through natural means prove to be unsuccessful, the possibility of an in-vitro fertilisation may be an alternative.
Contraception I advise my patients about all methods of birth control. In addition to the prescription of the contraceptive pill, I can also insert an intrauterine device (copper or progestogen IUD) as well as contraceptive implants. The three month intramuscular injections can also be administred upon patient request.
Sex Therapy In conjuction with the study of erectile dysfunction of men, the study of secual dysfunction of women has also become a theme in the world of science today. Scientific studies in America have established the 49% of women experience diverse range of difficulties regarding sexuality. Reduced sexual libido, orgasmic dysfunction and painful intercourse ar the most common problems experienced. In recent times, considerable scientific research has been undertaken and new insights to and possibilities for treatment have been developed. I have also carried out numerous studies regarding female sexuality and have held lectures concerning these issues. In conjunction with sexual therapists, I counsel my patients regarding any sexual issues and concerns that may create difficulties in life.
Anti - Aging Todays society creates the need for one to feel young, slim and fit at every age. "Forever Young" is the motto of today. Anti-aging medicine aids in the slowing down of the aging process and the hindering of health problems. In addition to nutrition and lifestyle counselling the gynaecologist can, with the vast knowledge of horomones and hormonal changes in a woman's life, provide invaluable advice to a patient. Not only does estrogen contribute to a long and healthy life, but testosterone, growth hormones (DHEA) and melatonin play and equally important role. It is important to note that not only external hormone us is decisive in the anti-aging process, but that the internal hormone production must be encouraged. Customized therapy and advice helps significantly in keeping the body and sould dynamically fit. Today, lifestyle counselling is an itegral part of gynaecologist's responsibility to the patient.